2018年7月に北海道大学で開催された国際シンポジウム「Sapporo Symposium on Biological Rhythm」の講演録13編をまとめた英語論文集。
《Aschoff and Honma Prize Winner’s Lecture》
A day in the life of a cyanobacterium:
integrating temporal and environmental information
………Susan S. Golden
《Aschoff and Honma Memorial Lecture》
The function of interlocked transcriptional feedback loops
in the circadian clock
………Paul E. Hardin
《Part I. New Horizon of Circadian Physiology》
A kinetic mechanism gating the assembly of KaiB-KaiC complex
in the cyanobacterial circadian clock system
………Atsushi Mukaiyama, Yoshihiko Furuike and Shuji Akiyam
Networks and mediators of the mammalian circadian clock:
Roles of CRYPTOCHROME in the development of oscillator network
in the SCN
………Sato Honma, Daisuke Ono and Ken-ichi Honma
Time wars ─ The battle between biological and social time
………Till Roenneberg, Eva C. Winnebeck and Elizabeth B. Klerman
《Part II. Circadian Strategy for Terrestrial Threat》
Hypoxia effect on circadian activity is molecular clock independent
but daily activity dependent wave like response in mice
………Satoru Masubuchi
Circadian timing optimizes seasonal life-history states:
Lessons from studies in migratory songbirds
………Vinod Kumar, Aakansha Sharma and Neha Agarwal
Transgenerational seasonal timer in aphids
………Naoki Matsuda and Hideharu Numata
《Part III. Plasticity of Circadian Clock》
Elucidating wiring diagrams for circadian regulation
of hormonal rhythms
………Jeff R. Jones and Erik D. Herzog
Circadian strategy for recovery
from age-related physiological decline
………Nana N. Takasu, Takahiro J. Nakamura and Wataru Nakamura
A role for PERIOD3 in the photic signaling pathway:
let there be light
………Qian Gao and Luoying Zhang
Chemical perturbation of RUVBL2 regulates
the phase of the circadian clock
………Dapeng Ju, Haijiao Zhao, Zhiqiang Wang, Meimei Liao,
Jiawen Wang, She Chen, Joseph S. Takahashi, Xiangbing Qi and
Eric Erquan Zhang
Subject Index
Ken−ichi Honma
Professor Emeritus
Hokkaido University
Sato Honma
Visiting Professor
Research and Education Center for Brain Science
Hokkaido University