The Proceedings of 6th USSR - Japanese Seminar on Electrochemistry.
○Anodic Oxidation of HCHO and Related Substances of VIII-Ib Group Alloy Electrode. (Enyo, M.)
○Kinetics of Electron Transfer at Semi-Conductor-Electrolyte Interfaces. (Fujishima, A.)
○Kinetic Study of M/Mz+ Electrode in Molten Chloride with Galvanostatic Double Pulse Method. (Haruyama, S., Numata, H., and Hishikata, A.)
○On the Electron Donor-Acceptor Nature of the Solvation Bond of Ions. (Matsuda, A. and Notoya, R.)
○The Relation between the Donor-Acceptor Nature of Ions and the Catalytic Activities. (Notoya, R. and Matsuda, A.)
○Application of Electrochemically Formed Polypyrrole to Lithium Secondary Battery. (Osaka, T. and Naoi, K.)
○Hot Corrosion of Nickel-base Superalloys in a Burner-Rig-Tester. (Tomizuka, I.)
[Extended Abstracts]
○Electrocatalysts Promotion with Adatoms and Microcrystals. (Bagotsky, V. S., Vassiliev, Yu. B. and Skundin, A. M.)
○Methods of Standard Porosimetry and Their Application in Electrochemistry and Other Fields. (Bagotsky, V. S. and Volfkovich Yu. N.)
○Electric Double Layer of Bismuth Electrode at the Adsorption of Aromatic Compounds. (Dobrenkov, G. A. Shilotkach, G. D. and Wigimov, Y. M.)
○Electrocatalysis on the Carbon Materials. (Dribinsky, A. V. and Tarasevich M. R.)
○Surface Phenomena at the Metal-Solid Oxide Electrolyte Interface. (Filyaev, A. T., Karpachev, S. V. and Bronin, D. E.)
○On the Reaction between Aluminium and Food Substances. (Fukushima, M. and Hayakawa, Y.)
○The Giant Enhancement of the Local Electromagnetic Field on Microinhomogeneities of a Silver Electrode Surface. (Funtikov, A. M., Sigalaev, S. K. and Kazarinov, V. E.)
○Mechanisms of Adsorption and Kinetics of Electroreduction of Inorganic and Organic Substances in Diatomic Alcohols. (Japaridze, J. I.)
○Hydration Free Energy and Structure of Water in the Solution of Molecular Solute. (Mu Shik Jhon)
○Structure of Metal-Solvent Surface and Some Peculiarities of Electrochemical Kinetic. (Karasevskii, A. I. and Izotov, V.)
○Investigation of the Nature of Chemisorbed Particles and Their Orientation of the Platinum Metal Surface with Combined Voltammetric and Radiometric Method. (Kazarinov, V. E., Vassilev, Yu. B. Andreev, V. N. and Khazova, O. A.)
○Galvanostatic Relaxation Methods in the Study of the Kinetics of Stepwise Electrode Processes Involving the Adsorption of Intermediates. (Kopistko, O. A. and Sokolsky D. V.)
○Investigation of Influence of Anodic Oxidation and Immersion Treatment by Cadmium Salts on Activity of Surface Skeleton Nickel. (Korovin, N. V., Kozlova, N. I., Saveljeva, O. N. and Udris, E. Ya.)
○On the Structure of Double Electric Layer at the Air-Water Interface from the Surface Potential and Pressure Data. (Ksenzhek, O. C. and Gevod, V. S.)
○On the Role of Electronic Structure, Adsorption States and Fluctuations of the Meium Polarization in the Elementary Processes of Charge Transfer. (Kuznetsov, A. M.)
○Electron Chemical Potential for Small Metal Particles and Influence of Adsorption on it. (Lidorenko, N. S., Gorochakov, V. I., Grigoryeva, L. K., Nagaev. E. L. and Chizhik, S. P.)
○The Mechanism of the Anodic Evolution of Chlorine, Bromine and Iodine from Their Halogenides on Carbon Electrodes. (Nekrasov, V. N. and Ivanovsky, L. E.)
○Model Approach of the Polycrystalline Electrode Surface. (Palm U. and Lust, E.) ○Fundamantal Aspects of Kinetics of Electrode Processes on Carbide Surfaces. (Petrii, O. A. and Tsirlina, G. A.)
○Hydrogen Production by Solar Energy: Two-Step Plants \Solar Array-Electrolyzer\ and Their Optimization. (Pleskov, Yu. V.)
○Adsorption and Electrocatalytic Properties of Nickel Electrodes. (Pschenichnikov, A. G., Kudryavtseva, Z. I., Burkal'tseva, L. A. and Michri, A. A.)
○The Investigation of the Intermediate Particles of Electrode Reaction by the Photoelectronic Emission Method. (Rotenberg, Z. A.)
○Double Electrical Layer on Fe-, Pt- and Pd-Electrodes in Aprotic Solvents. (Safonov, V. A. and Petrii, O. A.)
○Studies on Kinetics of Electrodeposition of Aluminium form Electrolytes with Quaternary Ammonium Compounds. (Simanavicius, L. E.)
○Kinetics of the Electrocrystalliation of Metals in the Case of Two-Step Charge Transfer and Slow Surface Diffusion of Adatoms. (Slizys, R. P.)
○Some Aspects of the Cathodic Hydrogen Evolution on Iron Group of Metals. (Tamm, J. K.)
Matsuda, A.,
Research Institute for Catalysis
Hokkaido University, Sapporo.
Haruyama, S.
Fuculty of Engineering
Tokyo Institute of Technology, Tokyo.
Notoya, R.
Research Institute for Catalysis
Hokkaido University, Sapporo