Comparison of the slow-cooled and quenched glasses of n,n-diethyl-n- (2-methoxyethyl) ammonium tetrafluoroborate-H2O mixtures
Y. Imai, H. Abe, H. Matsumoto, Y. Yoshimura
Liquefaction of SF6 in nanobubble solution under atmospheric conditions
Y. Joden, N. Ohtsubo, N. Q. Khanh, K. Ohgaki, A. Tsuji, T. Nakagawa
Controlling the properties of thin ice layers on pavement surfaces -an alternative explanation for anti-icing
A. Klein-Paste, J. Wahlin
The evolution of density fluctuations in snow during metamorphism under different driving conditions
H. Lowe, M. Schneebeli, J. Spiegel, B. Pinzer, T. Kaempfer
Laboratory observations of the influence of snow and ice tracks on tire tread block friction
S. Ripka, M. Wangenheim, K. Wiese, B. Wies
The behavior of sulfate and chloride ions in ice sheets as a function of increasing depth
T. Sakurai, S. Horikawa, Y. Iizuka, T. Miyake, T. Uchida, T. Hondoh
Prediction of tire traction on compacted snow road
E. Seta, T. Nakai, M. Heggli, M. Jaggi, H. Lowe, M. Schneebeli, D. Szabo
The effects of supercooling on the properties of thin saline ice layers
J. Wahlin, A. Klein-Paste
Ionic and nonionic surfactant effects on the degree of supercooling of water
T. Makino, T. Sakamoto
Indication of a very large proton diffusion in ice Ih
I. Presiado, D. Huppert
Photodesorptions of OH radical and oxygen atom following vacuum ultraviolet photodissociation of water ice
T. Hama, A. Yabushita, M. Kawasaki, N. Watanabe
Environmental molecular beam studies of ice surface processes
X. Kong, P. U. Andersson, N. Markovic´, J. B. C. Pettersson
Uptake of gas-phase CO2 by polycrystalline ices or aqueous solutions
M. T. Leu
Advances of analytical methodologies with ice as a functional material
T. Okada, Y. Tasaki, K. Sugiya, T. Hashimoto, H. Qu
Formation of Ro-vibratinally excited H2 from vacuum ultraviolet photodissociation of ice
A. Yabushita, T. Hama, M. Kawasaki, N. Watanabe, M. N. R. Ashfold, H. P. Loock
Intermolecular interactions between hydrogen and water molecules in filled ice structures for deuterated hydrogen hydrate under high pressure
S. Machida, H. Hirai, T. Kawamura, Y. Yamamoto, T. Yagi
Large-cage occupancy of molecular hydrogen in binary clathrate hydrates dependent on pressures
T. Sugahara, P. S. R. Prasad, E. D. Sloan, A. K. Sum, C. A. Koh, K. Ohgaki
Kinetics research of ice transition into gas hydrate in porous media
E. M. Chuvilin, M. V. Lupachik, O. M. Guryeva
Gas hydrate formation and decomposition close to subsea geological conditions
A. Klapproth, R. O. Piltz, S. J. Kennedy, V. K. Peterson, K. A. Kozielski, P. G. Hartley
In-situ Raman observation on aqueous solution around tetra-n-butyl ammonium bromide semi-clathrate hydrates
M. Oshima, S. Hashimoto, A. Tani, T. Sugahara, W. Shimada, K. Ohgaki
Spectroscopic identification of propane clathrate nucleation and inhibition by methanol
T. H. Vu, M. J. Shultz
Relation between the clustering structures of aqueous solution and formation of gas hydrates
Y. Yamamoto, T. Kawamura, M. Ohtake, A. Wakisaka
Trace analysis of compounds formed in gamma-irradiated ethane hydrate
T. Higuchi, T. Murayama, A. Tani
Terahertz spectroscopy of gas hydrates
K. Takeya, I. Kawayama, H. Murakami, K. Ohgaki, M. Tonouchi
CO2 capture by gas hydrate crystallization: investigation of equilibrium and compositional properties of CO2-N2 hydrates by micro-Raman spectroscopy
B. Chazallon
Computer simulation of methane.helium gas mixture separation by means of gas hydrate formation
O. S. Subbotin, Yu. Yu. Bozhko, V. R. Belosludov, R. V. Belosludov, H. Mizuseki, Y. Kawazoe, V. M. Fomin
“Self-preservation” of CH4 clathrates in the context of offshore gas transport
A. Falenty, W. F. Kuhs, M. Glockzin, G. Rehder
Calorimetric and powder X-ray diffraction studies on dissociation of methane hydrate in porous media
A. Hachikubo, S. Takeya, E. Chuvilin, V. Istomin
Rheological characteristics of slurry containing tetra-n-butyl ammonium bromide semi-clathrate hydrate crystal and solution
S. Hashimoto, K. Kawamura, H. Ito, K. Ohgaki, Y. Inoue
Existence of a new high-pressure phase of CO2 hydrate and lattice expansion with cage-occupancy change of sI structure under low temperature and high pressure
H. Hirai, K. Komatsu, M. Honda, T. Kawamura, Y. Yamamoto, T. Yagi
Infrared spectroscopy of methane hydrates in porous media
Y. Jin, H. Oyama, M. Kida, Y. Konno, J. Nagao, H. Narita
Enclathration of propane molecule with tetrahydrofuran as a binary clathrate hydrate
T. Kawamura, J.- H. Yoon, T. Tetsu, Y. Yamamoto
An investigation into the kinetic hydrate inhibitor of pyrrolidinium-based ionic liquids on methane hydrate
K. Kim, S.- P. Kang
Thermodynamic and microscopic analysis for new water-soluble hydrate formers +CH4 systems
J. W. Lee, H. Lu, I. L. Moudrakovski, C. I. Ratcliffe, J. A. Ripmeester
Phase equilibria of the double tetra-n-butyl ammonium bromide (TBAB) semi-clathrates in the presence of methane, carbon dioxide, and nitrogen
S. Lee, S. Park, Y. Lee, Y. Seo, S.- P. Kang, H. Lee
Effect of preparation temperature on self-preservation of mixed gas hydrate crystals via Raman spectroscopic analysis
H. Mimachi, M. Takahashi, T. Iwasaki, T. Kinoshita, T. Sugahara, H. Sato, K. Ohgaki
Nucleation probability by memory effects of type-B tetra-n-butyl ammonium bromide semi-clathrate hydrate
W. Shimada
Effects of “promoter” on structure I hydrate formation kinetics
H. Tajima, Y. Oota, K. Yamagiwa
Decay mechanisms of radiation-induced radicals in sulfur hexafluoride clathrate hydrate
K. Takato, A. Tani, T. Sugahara, K. Takeya, K. Ohgaki
Thermal stability of radicals induced in xenon hydrate
K. Takeya, A. Tani, T. Sugahara, K. Ohgaki
In-situ ESR observation of methyl radical in gamma-irradiated methane hydrate under high pressure
A. Tani, K. Takato, T. Sugahara, K. Ohgaki, K. Takeya
Effect of cyclopentane on small-cage occupancy of hydrogen in clathrate hydrates
T. Tsuda, S. Hashimoto, T. Sugahara, K. Ohgaki
Ice-shielding models for self-preservation of gas hydrates during temperature ramping test atmospheric pressure
T. Uchida, T. Sakurai, T. Hondoh
A challenge to observe ice growth shape in molecular dynamics simulation
H. Nada
Theoretical investigation of the formation of H2CO in the interstellar medium: an example of a water assisted reaction
P. Peters, D. Duflot, L. Wiesenfeld, C. Toubin
Molecular dynamics simulations of nucleation from vapor with Lennard-Jones type and H2O molecules
K. K. Tanaka, H. Tanaka, T. Yamamoto, K. Kawamura
Cooperative effect of winter flounder antifreeze protein and ions on the unidirectional freezing of their solution in a narrow space
Y. Hagiwara, D. Yamamoto
On the computations of specific surface area and specific grain contact area from snow 3D images
F. Flin, B. Lesaffre, A. Dufour, L. Gillibert, A. Hasan, S. Rolland du Roscoat, S. Cabanes, P. Pugliese
Neutron diffraction study of hydrogen-ordered ice XI: annealing effect and memory effect
M. Arakawa, H. Kagi, J. A. Fernandez-Baca, B. C. Chakoumakos, H. Fukazawa
Measurements of post shock temperature of ice surface cratered by high velocity impacts
M. Arakawa, M. Yasui
Liquid/solid jets from ice crushing experiments and implications for plumes on Enceladus
R. Gagnon
Soft X-ray induced chemistry of CO and CH3OH in water ice studied by NEXAFS
C. Laffon, J. Lasne, F. Bournel, K. Schulte, S. Lacombe, Ph. Parent
Formation of H2O ice through the surface reaction O2 + H at low temperatures: reaction kinetics and structure of the ice
Y. Oba, N. Miyauchi, T. Chigai, H. Hidaka, N. Watanabe, A. Kouchi
Laboratory investigations of physico-chemical processes occurring in icy mantles on interstellar dust grains
V. Pirronello, M. Accolla, T. Hama, H. Hidaka, A. Kouchi, G. Manico, Y. Oba, N. Watanabe
Impact experiments on sintered snowballs
Y. Shimaki, M. Arakawa, M. Yasui
Flow law of ice-silica mixtures and the effects of silica content and porosity
M. Yasui, M. Arakawa
Vibraional spectra of ice Ih and XI phases in KOH doped single crystals
K. Abe, H. Komagome, T. Nakano, T. Shigenari
Freezing and melting hysteresis measurements in solutions of hyperactive antifreeze protein from an Antarctic bacteria
Y. Celik, R. Drori, L. Graham, Y. F. Mok, P. L. Davies, I. Braslavsky
Cubic ice formation and annealing during CO2 clathrate hydrate decomposition at low temperatures
A. Falenty, T. C. Hansen, W. F. Kuhs
Structure and properties of ferroelectric ice
H. Fukazawa, M. Arakawa, H. Kagi, H. Yamauchi, B. C. Chakoumakos, J. A. Fernandez-Baca
Growth mechanism of a hexagonal bipyramidal ice crystal in the presence of winter flounder antifreeze proteins
H. Nada, Y. Furukawa
Raman spectroscopic study on the amorphous state of aqueous tetraethylammonium fluoride solution
T. Takekiyo, Y. Yoshimura
Characterization of salt-doped ice near the eutectic temperature
Y. Tasaki, M. Harada, T. Okada
Comparison of the pressure-induced phase transition behavior of ices in aqueous solutions of alkali salts at 77 K
Y. Yoshimura
Polarization spectroscopy insights into surface bonding in hexagonal ice: implications for interactions with ice
M. J. Shultz, P. Bisson
Penetration of hydrogen atoms through thin D2O layer on Ru(001) surface
T. Yamauchi, K. Mine, A. Namiki