Department of Zoology, University Museum, University of Tokyo, Tokyo 113, Japan.
Monophyly of the Squaloidei: A Reconsideration (Chapter 2)
Definition of Squalea (Chapter 4)
Coparative Anatomy and Characters of Squalea (Chapter 5)
Interrelationships within Squalea (Chapter 6)
Phylogenetic Inferences (Chapter 7)
Taxonomy (Chapter 8)
Japanese Summary (appendix)
白井 滋
A new framework of“Squaloid”sharks and related taxa. ツノザメ亜目魚類の系統類縁関係に関する独創的な新仮説.1989年米国の学会で発表した仮説はストイ賞を授賞し,内外の研究者に大きな波紋を与えた.