判型: B5 上製
頁数: 344
ISBN: 978-4-8329-0266-4
Cコード: C3045
発行日: 1992-05-25
Proceedings of the OJI INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON SALMONID DISEASES Sapporo, Japan, 1991.全世界に幅広く分布し,養殖も盛んなサケ科魚類の疾病に関する国際シンポジウムの成果.
Memorial Lecture.
Session 1. Viral Deseases.
Session 2. Bacterial Deseases.
Session 3. Immune Response.
Session 4. Parasite and Fungal Infections.
Session 5. Chemotherapy and Control.
木村 喬久
Professor Emeritus, Faculty of Fisheries, Hokkaido University.