第1章 札幌農学校と農学講義
1.Catalogue of Sapporo Agricultural College in 1876-77
2.Agricultural Improvements needed in Japan
3.Progressive and Non-progressive Education in Japan
4.Lectures on Agriculture
5.Expansion of Subject and Experimental Work
6.Questions of the Final Examination Exercises
解 題………髙井宗宏
第2章 「ブル」先生………常瑤居士(新渡戸稲造)
第3章 ブルックス家のひとびと………ユステス・藤居恒子
第2編 ブルックス農学講義録
Chapter 1 Agriculture
1-1.The Importance of Agriculture
1-2.The Influence of Agriculture on National Prosperity
1-3.The Necessity for a Variety of Industries
1-4.Advantages of Agriculture as an Occupation
1-5.Development of Modern Agriculture
1-6.Knowledge Necessary to the Farmer
解 題………髙井宗宏
Chapter 2 Soil
2-1.The Manner in which Rocks have been Converted into Soils
2-2.Organic Matter
2-3.Classes of Soils
2-4.Physical Properties of Soils
2-5.Adaptation of the Soil to Crops
解 題………佐久間敏雄
Chapter 3 Farm Drainage and Irrigation
3-1.Effects of Drainage
3-2.Open Drains and Ditches
3-3.Different Methods of Making Underdrains
3-4.Tile Drains
3-5.Direction, Distance and Depth of Drains
3-6.Necessity of System in Drainage
3-7.Draining Implements
3-8.General Directions for Tile Drainage
3-9.Irrigation in Several Countries…91
3-10.Kinds of Water which are best for Irrigation
3-11.The Amount of Water Needed for Irrigation
3-12.Methods of Irrigation
3-13.Water Meadows
3-14.Management of Irrigated Fields
3-15.Crops most Benefited by Irrigation
3-16.Means of Getting a Supply of Water
解 題………梅田安治
Chapter 4 Pulverization of Soils(Tillage)
4-1.Methods of Pulverizing the Soil
4-2.The History of the Plow
4-3.The Mechanical Principles Involved in the Plow
4-4.Varieties of Plows
4-5.Harrows and their Uses
4-8.Simple Tools
解 題………髙井宗宏
Chapter 5 Manures(and Fertilizer)
5-1.Classification of Manures
5-6.Phosphoric Acid
5-7.Organic Manures
5-8.Application and Physical Properties of Manure
5-9.The Atmosphere as Related to Vegetation
解 題………但野利秋
Chapter 6 Farm Economy(Management)
6-1.System Necessary to Prevent Loss or Waste
6-2.Farm Management
6-3.Kind of Farming
6-4.Management of Mowing Land
6-5.Management of Permanent Mowing Land
6-6.Implement Necessary for Harvesting Hay
6-7.Pasture Land and its Management
6-8.Management of Tillage Lands
6-9.Forests on a General Farm
6-10.Orchard on a General Farm
6-11.Farm Road and Fence
6-12.Winter Work upon the General Farm
6-13.The Routine and Time of Doing Spring Work
6-14.Summer Work on the General Farm
6-15.Fall Work upon the General Farm
解 題………太田原高昭・中嶋 博・髙井宗宏・近藤誠司
Chapter 8 Stock-Farming
8-1.Importance of Stock-Farming
8-2.Climate and Soil Best for Stock Farming
8-3.Locations Best for Stock-Farming
8-4.Hokkaido as Adapted for Stock-Farming
8-5.Neat Cattle
8-6.Cattle Breeding
8-7.Rearing Calves
8-8.Care of Neat Cattle
8-10.Cattle Feeding
8-11.Digestion in Animals
8-12.Decomposition of Nutrients in the Body
8-13.Excretion in Animals
8-14.Determinations of the Gain and Loss of Flesh
8-15.Protein Consumption
解 題………大久保正彦