Part I Continuity and Transmission of Indigenous Heritage in the Modern World
1.Yuuyaraq (The Way of the Human Being): Yup'ik Voices in the Transmission of Religious
and Cultural Knowledge………Kanaqlak (George P. CHARLES)
2.Sami Concepts and Modern Indigenous Approaches to Theorizing Their Culture
………………Jelena PORSANGER
3.Keeping Tibetanness in Refugees' Societies………Rinzing Dolma NOGUCHI
4.Negotiation toward the Continuation of Traditional Festivals: A Case Study in Rural Japan
………………Kengo KONISHI
Part II Continuity of Religious Tradition in the Modern World
5.Siberian Indigenous Religious Traditions in an Ever Changing World: The Khanty and
Nenets Case………Elena GLAVATSKAYA
6.Traces of Shamanistic Beliefs in Life Patterns of the Uzbeks in the Fergana Valley
………………Adkham A. ASHIROV
7.Kazakh Memorial Services in the Post-Soviet Period: A Case Study of Northern
Kazakhstan Villages………Toko FUJIMOTO
Part III Continuity of the Idea of Nature in Modern Societies
8.The Traditional Paganism and the Modern Neo-Paganism in the Consciousness, Culture
and Politics of Russia's Finno-Ugric Peoples………Svetlana TCHERVONNAIA
9.Continuity and Symbiosis of Traditional Cultures: From Animism to a Philosophy of
Ecology………Takako YAMADA
10.Ritual and Discourses on Nature among the Changing Post-Soviet Reindeer Herders in
Northern Kamchatka………Takashi IRIMOTO
11.Nature and Man: Past and Present in Egypt………Aliaa R. RAFEA
Part IV The Power of Traditional Cultures and Symbiosis in a Changing Modern World
12.A Strategy for Coexistence: The Case of the Festival at Temple W in Haidong District,
Qinghai Province, China………Chikako UEHARA
13.The Survival and Symbiosis of Blacksmiths in Bishnupur, India………Takayuki SAITO
14.A Struggle for the Co-existence between the Euro-Canadians and the Kaska First
Nations………Mikako YAMAGUCHI
15.Revival of the Ainu Bear Festival: The Mind, Ethnic Symbiosis and Continuity of
Traditional Culture………Takashi IRIMOTO
Part V Concluding Remarks
16.Anthropology of Continuity and Symbiosis of Traditional Cultures………Takako YAMADA
山田 孝子
Faculty of Integrated Human Studies, Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan.
煎本 孝
Faculty of Letters, Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan.