主要業績:Aristotle on Explanation: Demonstrative Science and Scientific Inquiry (Oxford University D. Phil Thesis 1989),『アリストテレスと形而上学の可能性──弁証術と自然哲学の相補的展開──』(勁草書房 2002),「「ロマ書」におけるパウロの意味論──ピスティスの二相──」月本・大貫編『日本の聖書学 第8号』(ATD・NTD聖書註解刊行会2003),Aristotle on Essence and Defining−phrase in his Dialectic, Definition in Greek Philosophy, ed. D. Charles (OUP, Oxford 2010), Aristotle on Heuristic Inquiry and Demonstration of What It Is, The Oxford Handbook of Aristotle, ed. C. Shields (OUP, Oxford 2012), Uchimura Kanzo on Justification by Faith in His Study of Romans: A Semantic Analysis of Romans 3:19−31, Living for Jesus and Japan: The Social and Theological Thought of Uchimura Kanzo, ed. H. Shibuya and S. Chiba (Eerdmans, Michigan 2013)