1.The Geneva Days: 1920-1926
(1)What the League of Nations Has Done and Is Doing
(2)The Organization and Activities of the League of Nations*
(3)The League of Nations Movement in Japan
2.Reminiscences after Retirement: 1927-1931
(1)The Permanence of the League and its Achievement*
(2)A Typical British Gentleman: Sir Eric Drummond*
(3)A Savant Who Calls Himself a Primitive: Gilbert Murray*
(4)Spiritual Phenomenon*
(5)Ignorance is Power*
3.The Time of Japan's Withdrawal from the League of Nations: 1932-1933
(1)Japan's Place in the Family of Nations
(2)How Geneva Erred
(3)Great Hopes for the League of Nations
1.Introduction: The Historical Context of Inazo Nitobe………Teruhiko Nagao
2.Nitobe's Bushido: A Western Perspective………Norman Page
3.Bushido: Romantic Nationalism in Japan………Simon Edwards
4.A Bridge across the Pacific: Nitobe's Knowledge of English Literature………Teruhiko Nagao
5.Chinda Sutemi, 1857-1929: Ambassador in War and Peace………Ian Nish
6.Nitobe and the Secretariat in London 1919………Ian Nish
7.Nitobe Inazo at the League of Nations: 1919-1926………George Oshiro
8.Conclusion………Teruhiko Nagao
A Nitobe Chronology
*indicates that the essay concerned is translated into English by the editor
Teruhiko Nagao(長尾 輝彦)
Professor of English at Hokkaido University, Sapporo. Born in Nagano in 1944, he graduated from Tohoku University, Sendai, in 1968, and taught at Kochi University, Kochi, 1968−81. Since 1981 he has been teaching at Hokkaido University. His academic papers are on Shakespeare, Wordsworth, Coleridge, Byron, Keats and Tennyson. He is also the Chairperson of the Nitobe Studies Team in the Faculty of Letters, Hokkaido University, since 1995.
Ian Nish
Emeritus Professor of International History, at London School of Economics and Political Science.
Norman Page
Emeritus Professor of English Literature, both at the University of Alberta and the University of Nottingham.
George Oshiro
Professor of Japanese History, at Obirin University, Tokyo.
Simon Edwards
Lecturer of English Literature, at Roehampton University, London.